Social Analysis Platform

It helps companies to monitor and to understand the Socials Market. Unlike traditional social media analysis systems that consider only quantitative aspects of acquired data, our solution extends its analyses to contents aspects too often underestimated. Some of its main features are:

  • Monitoring of all main characteristics of Socials Market and identifies concepts expressed in multiple languages;
  • Assessment of the sentiment (positive, negative or neutral) of the opinions expressed for any given topic or content and this assessment is the result of the combination of semantic analysis and self-learning, further elaborated with the engagement indicators (interactions between users on a quantitative and qualitative basis;
  • Processing of millions of real-time social media posts and provide highly-performing and controllable control graphics on dashboards;
  • Monitoring of social media marketing campaigns, simulating a defined time period in which to test users’ reactions to a specific topic (a campaign based on a hashtag or topic). It also provides new trends detection and users profiling based on the behavioral analysis;
  • Identification of user profiles that, although with very low audiences, can be defined as niche influencers, or figures to contact directly with social media actions or indirectly monitored for further strategic analysis;
  • Wide range of possible Socials Market analyses and monitoring activities;
    Possible (real-time) integration with the enterprise data tree as well as embedding with internal data for more sophisticated processing.

The development of this platform will improve our current AI capabilities and address the following features:
Improved customer services – Interactive customer service solutions (and chatbots) can significantly reduce the causes of customers’ frustration – such as holding time or being redirected to different agents – with a significant increase in customer satisfaction.
Predictive maintenance and workload automation – By applying AI to production data it is possible to identify trends which suggest risk of failures or potential problems. As we all know, predictive maintenance, besides reducing the risk of damages, usually implies less complex repairs and also increases the equipment’s life.
Profiled marketing and advertising – The capability of profiling customers and potential customers makes it possible to develop personalized and tailored approaches to marketing and advertising and increasing the ROI of commercial initiatives.
Human resources and hiring processes – The use of cognitive computing can help identify better matches between job description and candidates’ characteristics. The availability of this module will facilitate the HR business and improve both the effectiveness of their activities as well as their efficiency.




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